IVF Chances

"What are my chances of having a baby?" This is the most asked question from patients who want to go through in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. IVF chances of getting pregnant after undergoing the procedure are pretty high. Though this type of procedure is as simple as joining the egg and sperm to promote fertility, it needs perfect timing and correct handling for the process to be successful. And these procedures are not cheap. IVF costs from around $10,000 to $15,000 or even more.

IVF Chances

IVF chances of having a successful procedure depend on the patients' characteristics and the treatments applied. Some couples are lucky enough that they get pregnant at first try while some do it several times but still with no success.

From the data collected by SART last 2009 here are the percentage of cycles resulting to live births from patients with fresh embryos and non donor eggs:

  • For women younger than 35, the percentage rate is 41.4%
  • For women ages 35 to 37, the percentage rate is 31.7%
  • For women ages 38 to 40, the percentage rate is 22.3%
  • For women ages 41 to 42, the percentage rate is 12.6%
  • For women ages 43 up, the percentage rate is 4.2%

Failed IVF

Having a lot of failed IVF is very frustrating. After many tries, IVF chances of conceiving are still uncertain for unexplained reasons. Here are some factors that may slim down IVF chances of getting pregnant:

  • Female's Age

    Age of the conceiving mother is a big factor in the IVF chances for a successful procedure. As woman gets older, the number of eggs released in the ovaries decreases resulting to lesser egg quality.

  • Embryo Quality

    There are many factors that affect the quality of the embryo. Maybe either one of the egg or sperm or both have poor quality. The factors that affect the quality of egg and sperm are age, unhealthy lifestyle, and stressful life.

  • Ovarian Response

    Failure of the embryo to implant may be due to the poor quality of embryo. For some woman, they fail to produce enough mature follicles which lessen the rate of a successful IVF. As a woman gets older, the level of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) increases and the level of AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) decreases. This contributes to poor response of the ovarian reserve.

  • Implantation Issues

    Miscarriages after IVF may be due to problems in the uterus. Some specialists believe that IVF chances of implantation fail because embryos have stopped growing. These may be caused by genetic defects during the embryos' development.

  • Tips to naturally increase IVF chances of a successful implantation

  • Cleanse

    The life cycle of an egg is about 90 days, so fertility cleansing should start 90 days before an IVF procedure. It's important to clear your blood system from any toxins and hormones.

  • Nourish

    After cleansing, provide yourself with nutrients and supplements to help prepare the uterine lining in the process of implantation.

  • Nurture

    Studies say that women who undergo acupunctures or hypnosis increase the chances of a successful IVF.

  • To get higher IVF chances of getting pregnant, such factors should be taken into consideration. Keeping a healthy lifestyle should be maintained not just for you but for your future baby.